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Sept 27, 2004
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For Immediate Release

 Gary Belter Earns Accredited Equipment Appraiser (AEA) Designation

ROCKFORD, IL; SEPTEMBER 27, 2004 – Gary Belter, AEA has earned the Accredited Equipment Appraiser (AEA) designation by completing all of the necessary coursework, testing and market-based experience requirements as set forth by the Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers (AMEA).  Those possessing the AEA designation are recognized in the used machinery and equipment industry, as well as by banks and lending institutions, as the authority in providing professional, reliable and accurate appraisal reports on machinery and equipment.

In order to earn the Accredited Equipment Appraiser designation, Mr. Belter had to possess a minimum of three years experience in buying, selling, and/or appraising used machinery and equipment in the marketplace, pass the AMEA exam on technical and ethical issues and submit and pass a review of an unidentifiable appraisal that complies with the AMEA Standards and Procedures of Professional Appraisal Practice. 

Retention of the AEA certification includes the completion of 70 hours of continuing education every five years, successful appraisal review every two years, complying with all Standards and Procedures of Professional Appraisal Practice, and current and testing as specified by USPAP renewal policies.

“The AMEA was founded on the belief that direct involvement in the marketplace is the key to formulating accurate valuations.  Therefore, AMEA accredited members are involved on a daily basis in the buying, selling, and appraising of machinery and equipment,” said Nathan J. Arnold, CEA, AMEA President.  “Mr. Belter has been added to the rolls of Accredited Equipment Appraisers based on his market-based experience and knowledge, and his commitment to maintaining the highest standards in the appraisal industry.”

The Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers (AMEA) is the premier international association of appraisers who specialize in used machinery and equipment.  The AMEA’s mission is to certify and accredit the most qualified capital equipment appraisers in the appraisal industry through promotion of standards of professional practice, ethical conduct, and market-based experience.  For more information on the AMEA, contact:  Lorna Frazier-Lindsey (703) 836-7900.

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Last modified: Friday, January 11, 2008